"Passing the torch," and keeping the jazz flame lighted is very important to Dan. He remembers many older players who were so generous with their knowledge, and who helped and influenced him in his early years.
In the spirit of "passing it along," Dan tries to make himself available to serious younger players, and takes part in clinics and jazz workshops as much as his schedule allows.
Over the years, Dan has presented and performed at clinics and jazz workshops both in the USA and in Europe. A short list would include:
The Mile-High Jazz Festival in Denver, CO
The Jazzin' July Workshop in the Netherlands (frank.roberscheuten@planet.nl) (See more information below, and on the CALENDAR Page)
Clinics and concerts with traditional jazz bands at Brigham Young University
Clinics sponsored by the Triangle Jazz Party in Kingsport, TN and Raleigh, NC (many years ago); and
Currently, clinics at the annual San Diego Jazz Party (in nearby Del Mar, CA). Several of the performers invited to the jazz party take part in clinics before and after the weekend of jazz. On the Friday of the party, the musicians meet with high school students bussed to the hotel from their local schools. On the Monday morning after the party (and after the jam session which always seems to occur in the hotel bar after the Patron's Dinner), the musicians travel to a selected high school for a performance for and with a student jazz band. The party itself is a great one, in beautiful southern California: www.sdjp.org
The Roswell Jazz Festival got started in Roswell, New Mexico in 2005. Since its inception, the School Of Jazz has been an important element of the festival. This excellent jazz education program which brings the music to several junior high and high schools around town, and culminates in a workshop/master class, in which local bands perform for--and are critiqued by the invited jazz artists. For more information about the Roswell Jazz Festival and/or the School Of Jazz, program, please visit the event's website: www.roswelljazz.org
Dan has been a frequent guest instructor for JazzAmerica. This non-profit foundation helps introduce jazz fundamentals to high school and college students in the Los Angeles area. For more information (and/or to make a much-needed donation), please contact JazzAmerica's Musical Director, Richard Simon, at: UFOBASS(at)aol.com or visit JazzAmerica's website: www.jazzamerica.org
Another highlight of Dan's year is the Jazzin' July Workshop. The JJW is produced by Dan's long-time friend, Frank Roberscheuten (RO-bare-shoy-tin). Frank, who lives in Belgium, is one of Europe's leading reed men, and one of Dan's favorites.
The Jazzin' July Workshop is held annually at the state-of-the-art Fletcher Jagershorst Hotel, in the breathtaking Leenderbos Woods--near Eindhoven--in the Netherlands!
Frank's top-notch teaching staff includes seven of Europe's leading jazz players, plus two Americans: Dan Barrett, and Frank's better half, Shaunette Hildebrand, who is the JJW's vocal instructor.
For details, please contact:
Frank Roberscheuten
You can now browse or purchase Dan's recordings from his new page at Bandcamp.com